Preparing for Drive Ownership Transfer


If you need to transfer ownership of a drive to another team member, you'll need to work with our support team to complete the process. This guide will help you prepare for the drive transfer and ensure you have completed all the necessary information and steps before contacting support.

Important Considerations Before Transfering

Project Transfer

After the drive transfer is complete, any projects under the previous owner's private workspace will remain in the previous owner's private workspace. Therefore, we recommend that the current owner transfer any projects they want the new owner to access from their personal private workspace to the drive workspace before initiating the drive transfer. You can follow the steps in our Moving projects and folders on a drive guide to complete this step.

Invoice History

Invoice history will be lost after the drive ownership transfer. If you wish to maintain your previous invoice history, the current owner needs to download all invoices before the transfer is started. You can download your invoices from Invoice History.

Drive Transfer Requirements

To transfer drive ownership, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Paid Subscription: The drive must currently have a paid subscription.
  2. New Owner Editor Access: The new owner must be an editor of the drive.
  3. New Owner Payment Method: The new owner must have an existing free or paid drive with a card on file. They can follow the steps in our Adding or changing your credit card guide to add a payment method to their drive.

Steps to Prepare for Drive Transfer

Before contacting support, please ensure the following steps are completed:

  1. Approval: Ensure the team member who will be the new drive owner is CCed on the email thread and has approved the drive transfer.
  2. Verification: The new owner must have a completely unrelated and free drive. Here’s how to create a new account and drive: Creating a Descript Account and Drive.
  3. Credit Card on File: The new owner needs to add a credit card to the unrelated drive. They won’t need to upgrade. Here’s how to add a credit card to the account.

Contacting Support

Once the above steps are completed, you are ready to contact support to initiate the drive transfer. Provide the following information in your support request:

  • Confirmation that any project the current owner wants the new owner to have access to has been moved from their personal workspace to the drive workspace.
  • Confirmation that all invoices have been downloaded if needed.
  • Confirmation that the new owner is an editor of the drive.
  • Confirmation that the new owner has a credit card on file for their drive.

Post-Transfer Information

After the support team completes the drive transfer:

  • The current owner will become an editor of the drive.
  • The new owner will see an upcoming invoice for the next billing cycle. They will not be charged immediately unless the drive's previous subscription was unpaid or past due.


Thank you for taking the necessary steps to prepare for the drive ownership transfer. Please contact our support team once you have completed all the required steps and gathered the necessary approvals. We will assist you in smoothly finalizing the transfer.

If you have any questions or need further assistance during this process, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help ensure a seamless transition for your team.