Moving projects and folders on a drive

You can move projects and folders in your Drive view. Keep in mind that folders cannot be moved to a drive's Private workspace or between different drives. 

Users with different  Drive membership types will have different options available to them when moving projects and folders:

  • Drive owners and Editor members can move projects within drives and workspaces to which they have access. They can also move folders but only within the same drive and workspace.
  • Basic members—can only move projects or folders within their own drive and private workspaces.

How to move a project or file from the Drive view

  1. Right-click on the project, or click  Transport_ellipses.png to the far left of the project's name.
  2. Select Move to... from the menu.
  3. Choose the new destination.
  4. Click Move

Moving a project from the project editor

If you are working in an open project and need to move it to a new location:

  1. Select the menu icon in the top left corner of the window.
  2. Choose File > Move…

How to move multiple projects at once

You can select and move multiple projects in bulk from your Drive and Private workspaces.

  1. Hover over a project's icon thumbnail to reveal a checkbox. To select a range of consecutive projects, click the checkbox for the first project in the range, hold Shift, and click the last project's checkbox.
  2. Click the three dots to the right of any selected project or click the move icon towards the top of the drive view.
  3. If you choose the three dots to the right, choose Move to... from the menu.
  4. Choose the new destination.
  5. Click Move

Considerations for teams

Moving a project to a different drive, workspace, or folder may affect another team member's ability to access that project:

Check out our article on managing drives, teams, and project permissions for more details.