Understanding how recording hours works with Descript Rooms

Recording time in Descript Rooms is designed to be straightforward and easy to manage. Below, you'll find a guide to how recording time works, what happens if you run out of minutes, and how time allocations vary by plan.

Recording Time and Transcription Minutes

When using Descript Rooms, it’s important to know that Room imports do not use transcription minutes. Transcription minutes are only used when processing recordings, so importing files directly into a Room won't affect your transcription allocation.

Recording time, however, is based entirely on the duration of the recording. It does not take into account the number of participants, tracks, or screen shares. For example, a 60-minute recording with three participants and two shared screens will only deduct 60 minutes from your drive’s recording hours, regardless of the number of additional elements or participants in the session.

What Happens if You Run Out of Recording Time?

If you run out of recording time during a session, you’ll still be able to complete your current recording without interruption. This ensures that ongoing recordings are never cut off. However, once the session ends, you won’t be able to start a new recording until you either upgrade your subscription to a plan with more hours or wait for your billing cycle to reset and refresh your recording time.

Recording Hours by Plan

Recording hours are shared among all editing members of a drive. However, these hours are not available to free or basic users within the drive. The amount of recording time available depends on your subscription plan:

  • Free Plan: 2 hours (lifetime)
  • Hobbyist Plan: 5 hours per month
  • Creator Plan: 15 hours per month
  • Business Plan: 25 hours per month
  • Enterprise Plan: As specified by per contract.

Each plan is tailored to fit different usage needs and drive members can collaborate while sharing the pool of available hours.

Low-Time Banner Notifications

When your recording time is running low, Descript Rooms will display a low-time banner notification within the Room interface. This banner shows the remaining time you have left and provides an option to upgrade your subscription if needed. Note that this notification is only visible while in a Room and does not appear in the main drive view.