How to Import and Edit Zoom Recordings in Descript

After setting up your Zoom and Descript integration, you're all set to start recording and importing your Zoom sessions seamlessly. To ensure your recordings are accessible in Descript, be sure to select "Record to the cloud" when you begin your Zoom session.

When you import a Zoom recording into Descript, several things happen automatically:

  1. A sequence is created: Descript will generate a sequence in preparation for the files to be imported. Files are synced in a sequence, keeping audio and video in harmony. You can learn more about sequences here.

  2. Files are added to the sequence: Descript selects and imports the relevant files from your Zoom recording into the sequence.

  3. The sequence is added to your composition: The organized sequence will be added to your composition and ready for further editing.

  4. Audio files are transcribed: If audio-only files are available, they are transcribed for easier editing. Any audio from video files is muted by default and not transcribed.

  5. Speaker labels are assigned: Descript automatically assigns speaker labels, which you can adjust later if needed.

  6. Switch between video views: If you want to change the video view (e.g., switch between gallery and speaker views), you can easily do so using the multicam selector in the Layer panel or by using the “Change source” context menu.

This process ensures your project is ready for immediate editing as soon as the import is complete.

Currently, when importing from Zoom, there is no prompt to select the transcription language; the default language set in your settings is automatically used. This setting, by default, is Auto, and Descript will do it's best to pick the right language for the transcription. Moreover, transcription time is calculated based on the total duration of the recording rather than on a per-file or per-participant basis

Recording in Zoom

Ensure your recordings are accessible to Descript by selecting Record to the cloud when starting a session in Zoom.

Descript can only discover and import cloud recordings, which offer a wider range of files and higher capability for editing.

Importing a Zoom recording into a new project

Once you have finished recording with Zoom, importing your recording into Descript is simple:

  1. Create a new project: Select Import from Zoom in the script.

  2. Select the recording: A list of available Zoom recordings will be displayed and labeled with the title of the meeting. Select the meeting from which you wish to import the recordings.

    Zoom processes its cloud files after you stop the recording. It can take some time for these files to be ready to import; processing time depends on the number of files recorded and the duration of the recording. Once your files are ready to import, you will then be able to see and import them in Descript.

  3. Import the files: Descript will begin importing files from the meeting and setting up your new project.
  4. Edit your project: Once finished, your project will be ready to edit!

Importing a Zoom recording into an existing project

If you already have an existing Descript project you are working on and want to import a Zoom recording to said project, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Place your cursor: Click your cursor in the script where you want the recording added.
  2. Open the Project panel: Navigate to the Project panel.
  3. Import from Zoom: Within the Files section, select the folder and globe icon and then select Import from Zoom.

  4. Select the recording: A list of available Zoom recordings will be displayed and labeled with the title of the meeting.
  5. Import the files: Select the meeting you wish to import the recordings from.
  6. Edit your project: Descript will begin importing files from the meeting into your project and setting up the audio and video feeds for you. It will add the processed sequence at the playhead.

Accessing older Zoom recordings with Descript

The Descript Zoom Integration can only access Zoom recordings within the last 12 months. If your recording was recorded over 12 months ago, you must download and import it manually.