Change project ownership

Saying goodbye to a project can be tough (or the happiest moment of your life). Changing project ownership can help assure that the right people will have access to project content moving forward.

Who can change project ownership

  • Project owners can change ownership of projects they own to other Descript users. This includes projects on their main drive in both their private and drive workspaces, as well as any projects they've created on other drives that they are a member of.
  • Drive owners can also change the ownership of projects on their Drive workspace through the Project Access menu.
    • Note: Drive owners cannot access or change the ownership for projects in other member's Private workspace, unless they've explicitly been added as a project member beforehand by the project owner.

Learn more about project ownership in our Managing drives, teams and project permissions article.

How to Transfer Ownership of a Project to Another User

  1. From the Drive View, click  Transport_ellipses.png on the far right of the project title. 

  2. Select Project Access from the dropdown menu.
  3. Type the new owner's email into the text box and select invite to project.
  4. You'll see the user added to the list of people who have project access. Click the permissions drop down box to the right of their name, then select Make owner from the list of options.
  5. Select Transfer ownership in the confirmation window to finish transferring the project.

You can also transfer ownership following the same steps from within a project using the Project access panel.

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