Room tone

Recordings made outside of professional-grade recording studios may contain varying degrees of background noise or sounds, such as:

  • An air conditioner in the background.
  • Line-level fuzz from your recording interface.
  • Your neighbor's baby is screaming (again).

Room tone uses artificial intelligence to recognize the background sound in a speech recording, then creates a similar noise profile. When room tone is enabled, a noise profile is created for every file in your project or composition (see details below), and added to each gap clip that sits adjacent to those files. This helps smoothly cover up any abrupt silences, making them blend seamlessly with your recording's background noise.

Preparing your file

Room tone analyzes the first 30 seconds of a media file for non-speech audio to create a sound profile. To ensure the best results, we recommend the following:

  • Recording at least 15 seconds of silence before speaking so that room tone can create an accurate profile.
  • If you're importing a pre-recorded file, make sure your recording does not contain music during the first 30 seconds of the track.

Applying and adjusting room tone to a clip

  1. Add a gap clip - click and drag a word in the wordbar wherever you want to create some space.
  2. Select the gap clip in the Timeline.
  3. Click on the Layer panel.
  4. Click the three dots in the Audio section of the Layer panel.
  5. In the Advanced audio window, you can add or delete the room tone, mute the tone, or change its volume.
Working with room tone
  • Room tone is automatically calculated in sequences based on the surrounding clip volume and cannot be manually adjusted.
  • By default, the room tone is active on all new projects. You can change this in your App settings, or adjust the settings for a single project in your Project settings.
  • Whenever Studio Sound is enabled, room tone will become disabled for any clips associated with that file.