My SquadCast recording is choppy, but the backup file looks and sounds great

Sometimes, primary recordings may have trouble fully rendering. In these cases, we'll recommend using the session cloud backups.

Why is there a quality difference between primary and cloud recordings?

SquadCast records locally (in the browser) for all participants, storing about 5 seconds of data at a time in the browser tab with no compression. This Progressive Uploads technology ensures security and minimizes data loss.

The quality of a recording session can be directly impacted if a participant's network is challenged and having trouble. SquadCast will provide in-app notifications to the impacted participant if their network is struggling. These warnings may include "App not in Focus," "Network Struggling," and "Upload Queue Backup." To get the best recording possible in SquadCast, all participants will want to maintain a constant and strong connection during the session.

All that said, SquadCast's cloud backups always ensure you always have content from your sessions, even if issues occur during the session. For more info, see our Access Cloud Audio + Video Recordings guide.

In-session tools

Participants can enhance successful uploads and renders by:

  • Keeping SquadCast as the focused tab to prevent dropped frames and a/v de-synchronization caused by background tab throttling.
  • Restarting computers to stabilize network conditions and considering incognito mode or alternative browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Brave, or Edge, all compatible with SquadCast.

The "Take" and "Participant" options also provide insights into ongoing uploads. If needed, hosts can stop and restart recording within the session.