Adjust volume and panning audio

Balancing the volume and panning of your content's audio can significantly enhance the overall production quality. You can adjust the volume and pan audio from the Audio section of the Layer panel.

Composition audio properties

If you want to adjust the volume or panning for all the audio in your composition, you can do that by clicking the composition title at the top of the Script editor. Click here to learn more about composition audio properties.

Adjusting volume

Script track and layer volume

  1. Make a selection in your script, or select the script track, an audio layer, or a video layer in the Timeline, depending on what you want to adjust.
  2. Click Layer on the right sidebar.
  3. Adjust the volume from the Audio section of the Layer panel. You can click and drag the slide bar, or click on the volume box and type in a value.

Muting audio

If you want to mute your selection, simply click Mute icon Mute next to the volume slider in the Properties panel.

Panning audio

  1. Make a selection in your script, or select the script track, an audio layer, or a video layer in the Timeline, depending on what you want to adjust.
  2. Click the mceclip3.png Ellipsis button in the Audio section of the Layer panel to open the Advanced audio settings panel.
  3. You can click and drag the slide bar, or click the Layer pan box and type in a value.

Individual track volume and panning in sequences

This is still done from the Properties panel, but you'll need to open the Sequence editor. You can open a sequence in the Sequence editor by selecting it in the Timeline, then press Shift + Command + O (macOS) or Shift + Control + O (Windows). Then select a track and adjust volume or panning from the Properties panel.