Access the Help Center in-app

You can quickly access the Help Center and other support resources from within the app or at To do this, open Descript and click the Help Center (?) icon at the top-right of the window.

Screenshot of Descript editor with red arrow pointing to help resources icon

From here, you can find links to the most common support resources.

  • Help center: Check out lots of great articles on our Help Center to learn more about Descript and its features.
  • Feature requests: Let us know how you would like to see Descript improved by creating, upvoting and commenting on our feature request pages.
  • What's new: Visit our changelog to see a summary of the latest updates we've made to Descript.
  • Contact us: This will open a chat window where you can talk with our assistant; if needed, our assistant will also help you connect with our team, and we'll help you find the answers you need. Please note that live agent chats will only be available in the desktop app or on our web app here: 
  • Search actions: access the Action bar to perform a wide range of commands. Learn more about the Action bar.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: Streamline your editing process by learning our quick edit shortcuts.
  • Show software licenses: See a list of licensed software utilized by Descript
  • Send diagnostic data: Send diagnostic information to the Descript team when troubleshooting issues.
  • Current version: Clicking this will copy the current app version to your clipboard.
  • Check for updates (desktop only) - See if your application is up to date.