Project access

Descript simplifies project access management by allowing you to invite collaborators who can perform various tasks, such as correcting transcripts, editing content, and exporting finished compositions. Even users with free accounts can be invited to collaborate on your drive.

There are three membership types to consider. Editors can create, edit, and publish a shared project in your drive and access Descript's AI tools and additional features. Meanwhile, Basic and Viewer roles are primarily limited to viewing and commenting on projects.

For each Editor added, an additional subscription fee could apply (viewers can be added at no extra charge). These charges are billed to the drive owner, not the individual members. To learn more, explore the following resource: Drive and access membership types.

Inviting collaborators to a project

You can invite someone to edit or comment on your project from the Drive view or main editor:

  • From the Drive view, click the options icon (three vertical dots) to the right of a project row and select Project access from the list of options.
  • From the main editor, select the + Project access icon (a circular button with a plus icon) in the top right corner.

Screenshots of the Drive view and main editor with showing where project access is located

Once you've opened the project access panel, type your collaborator's email, select the users' project permissions, and then select invite to project.

Screenshot of project access panel with numbered steps for inviting a collaborator


The user will receive an email notification that they have been invited to the project. Once you've invited collaborators, you can see who has access by checking the top corner of the project.
Non-drive member limitations
  • Project access does not grant a user the ability to initiate automatic transcription within the project. Only drive members can initiate transcription for projects on the drive, and basic members can only initiate transcription for projects they own on the drive.
  • AI actions with limitations can only be used by editors of a Descript drive. To see which actions might be affected, please view our pricing page.
  • Other paid features may also be restricted to members of a Descript drive. This may include restrictions like uploading media formats such as Apple ProRes and QuickTime RLE.

If you would like your collaborators to be able to add and initiate transcription or use paid features while editing a project, please see our inviting drive members and drive membership types articles for details

Setting permissions for collaborators

You can choose from two access levels when inviting collaborators: editing or commenting only. If you want to change the access level for a collaborator, click on the text to the right of their name and choose the desired setting.

You can set the level of project access for each respective collaborator as you send out your invites, or you can make adjustments after you've sent them.

Setting project access for your drive members

You can set the level of project access you want other drive members to have for individual projects:

  • From the Drive view, click the three vertical dots to the right of a project row and select Project access from the list of options.
  • From the main editor, select + Project access in the top right corner.

Screenshots of the Drive view and main editor with showing where project access is located

Once you've opened the project access panel, set the project access level for the Drive member at the bottom of the panel.

Screenshot of project access panel with red rectangle highlighting the drive member permissions dropdown menu

Removing a collaborator from a project

To remove a collaborator from your project, use the dropdown menu next to their name. This is the same menu where you select Can edit or Can comment. Then, click Remove member.

Screenshot of project access panel with numbered steps for removing project access

Double-check the setting you've chosen for the project link. If it's set to can comment or can view, the collaborator you've removed may still be able to access your project.