Using gap clips

Gap clips are silent clips that can help you adjust the timing of your script media, or if you need to add b-roll without any script media. You can see gap clips in your Timeline and they will also be represented as wordless media in your script.

Gap clips have room tone on by default

Room tone is an AI-generated noise profile added to gap clips which helps seamless blend with your gap clips with a recording's background noise. To silence gap clips, disable room tone on individual clips or modify the default settings in your App settings or Project settings.

Adding a gap clip

From the Timeline

  1. Make sure the script track is visible; you can expand the Timeline by dragging the top border of the panel, or select Show timeline. If you are adjusting the timing for an AI Speaker voice, you also need to convert the AI voice clip to audio.
  2. Right-click on the script track and select Add gap clip. Remember, disable room tone if you want a completely silent gap clip.

Replacing a section with a gap clip

  1. Make sure the script track is visible; you can expand the Timeline by dragging the top border of the panel, or select Show timeline.
  2. With the Range tool, make a selection in your script track.
  3. Right click on the selected range and select Replace with gap clip, or press Shift + Delete (macOS) or Shift + Backspace (Windows).
  4. Disable room tone if you want a completely silent gap clip.

Enhance your script's impact with gap clips

Gap clips allow you to adjust your script's speech pace, which significantly affects the emotional impact of your content. You can quickly adjust word spacing using the wordbar. Click here to learn more about using the wordbar.