Recording computer audio

Descript makes it easy to record audio from your computer directly into your composition. This is useful if you're recording a remote interview, or need sounds from other applications like Chrome.

Enabling computer audio

When using the Desktop version of Descript, you can enable computer audio before your recording from the Recorder icon Record panel on the right-hand side. To enable computer audio, select computer audio speaker icon next to Computer audio.

If you ar using the Web or Preview version of Descript, you can enable computer audio when choosing the tab to share. To enable computer audio, select Also share tab audio.


System requirements for macOS

Computer audio for Mac is currently supported on macOS 10.14 and higher.

Consideration for third-party apps

  • We recommend making a short test recording in Descript before getting started with the full recording.
  • You may not use computer audio recording if the third-party app requires selecting an output device and does not have “Same as System” or “System Default” as an option. 
  • For some apps like Zoom or Discord, you may need to switch the default audio output to "Descript Loopback Audio" instead of "Same as System" or "System Default Output" after you've started recording. Switch the audio output after starting your recording to capture the sound from the third-party app in Descript.

Descript Loopback Audio

Once you start your recording, a new device called "Descript Loopback Audio" will be created on your Mac. This is the computer audio device.

Screenshot of System Requirement audio input window for MacOS