For now, this feature can only detect filler words in English transcripts.
Descript will analyze your script and identify unnecessary “um”s and “uh”s in your composition. These filler words will have a light-blue underline in the Script editor.
You can review and remove all detected filler words in a composition or project by selecting Underlord and choosing Remove filler words.
From there, you’ll be able to see a list of all the detected filler words in the sidebar and select how you'd like to proceed. You can review the timestamps for each filler word and hear a preview before removing from the script.
You can preview each section where a filler word was identified and deal with it in one of four ways:
Delete | Remove both the text and the audio. |
Delete and replace with gap | When selected, deleted script content will be replaced with a gap clip. Click here to learn more about gap clips. |
Ignore | Strikethrough the text in the script while removing the audio. This is useful for seeing what filler words you've removed and makes it early to bring them back if you change your mind. |
Remove from transcript |
Remove the filler word or phrase only from the script without affecting the audio. |
What are considered filler words?
If you are using a legacy plan with Descript, filler word removal is available to varying degrees. Higher-tier legacy plans have access to advanced contextual search algorithms that can identify more filler words and phrases in your compositions. All non-legacy plans have access to the full list of filler words. Below is a list of filler words detected for each legacy plan:
Hobbyist (Legacy) | Creator and Business (Legacy) |
Repeated words | |
"mmm" | "mmm" |
"um" | "um" |
"uh" | "uh" |
"hm" | "hm" |
"but you know" | |
"I guess" | |
"I mean" | |
"I suppose" | |
"kind of" | |
"like" | |
"or something" | |
"so" | |
"sort of" | |
"well" | |
"you know" | |
"you know what I mean" | |
"you see" |