
By default, the first scene in a composition will be the image used for the thumbnail. Adjusting your project thumbnail will modify the image displayed when viewing the project in Descript's Drive View. Changing the thumbnail for a published composition will impact the image shown when your video is shared online.

Project thumbnails

Project thumbnails can be set to scenes within the composition. Right-click the scene from the scene rail, and select set project thumbnail.


Once adjusted, the new thumbnail image will be displayed in the Drive View.

Industrial Before_After Landscape 2025-01-23_08-46-38.png

The project thumbnail is also the image thumbnail for any exported videos.

Thumbnails for published videos 

For published videos, thumbnails are the first thing viewers see when your video is shared online. Descript allows you to customize these thumbnails by either selecting a frame from the video or uploading your own image.

The published video thumbnail can be adjusted from either the project editor or the share page.

In the project editor, click Publish, and then click the thumbnail in the publish menu:



From the share page, click the Settings icon, then the thumbnail image:
