You can transfer a show from a collaborator's organization to your organization with their permission, which will move all the content and data associated with that Show into your organization.
- Navigate to the Shows tab of your account settings.
- Select the Copy Transfer Key button.
- Paste the key into an email or your preferred messaging app to share it with the organization owner of the Show to be transferred. Make sure to only share the Transfer Key with someone you trust.
- Ask the organization owner of the Show to be transferred to follow the steps here to initiate the transfer. This will add the Show to the Shows tab of your account settings with a Pending Transfer label.
- Select Approve or Decline to the right of the Show.
- Once approved, the Show will be added to your Organization, and the show manager will be added to your organization.
Trusted collaborators can use this Transfer Key to transfer any of their Shows into your organization from theirs. Only share your Transfer Key with trusted collaborators.