Zapier Integration

Zapier is a powerful online tool that allows you to take events and actions done in SquadCast and connect them to other online applications like Google Calendar, Slack, and many more! You can visit for a complete list of all their supported apps. Please make sure you have a Zapier account before starting this tutorial.

Connecting your SquadCast to Zapier

To get started with Zapier, we need to be invited by Zapier to use

  1. Start by navigating to the Integrations tab of your account settings and click Connect next to Zapier.
  2. This will bring you to a Zapier invite screen where you can accept the invite to Zapier from SquadCast.
  3. Once invited, you can navigate back to the Developers tab of your account settings and create a new API Key.
  4. Select the Vertical ellipses icon.png Ellipsis button next to the API Key and select Copy to Clipboard.
  5. Navigate back to Zapier and select Create Zap to bring up Zapier's Zap creation page.


Triggering Zaps with SquadCast Events

Zap Triggers respond to events fired by SquadCast. These events can fired in different ways, and below, you'll find examples of how to trigger every event.

New Recording Session Schedule Zap

This Zap will fire when creating a new session.

  1. To schedule a new recording session, navigate to the Dashboard, then select the New Session button at the top right corner of the page.
  2. Select Schedule A Session and then fill out all the needed form information on the new session page. Ensure you select the Zapier Show from the top left-hand dropdown menu. Please also ensure that the Video & Audio option is specified at the bottom left of the page.
  3. Verify that the Zap is triggered after completing the information and selecting the scheduled session. 

New Audio Recording Available and New Video Recording Available Zaps

This Zap will fire when a primary recording has finished rendering.

  1. Join a session on the dashboard and ensure you have a camera and microphone attached to your computer.
  2. In the Green Room, ensure your equipment selection is correct, then join the session by selecting the Join Session button.
  3. Once inside the Studio, select the Record button in the bottom middle of the page. Allow the recording to run for at least 1 minute. Please ensure you are not muted to have a non-silent audio file.
  4. Finally, select the same Record button to stop the recording. Allow 2-5 Minutes for the recording to finish rendering. Once the audio and video have finished rendering, Zaps for the corresponding file types will fire.

New Audio Mix Available Zap

This Zap will fire when a mixed recording has finished rendering.

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard and select two audio recordings from the same take under the Recent Recordings tab.
    • If you're testing this Zap solo, you can join a session on two different browsers or a standard tab and an incognito tab to mimic having two participants in a session. Once in the session with two participants, select the Record button and ensure that both audio recordings have some form of audio from your microphone.
    • After generating two recordings within the same take, navigate to and repeat step 1.
  2. By selecting multiple recordings, the Workflow Drawer will appear. Choose the Mix Audio option at the top of the Workflow Drawer.
  3. Verify that the Zap for New Audio Mix Available is triggered when the mix finishes rendering.

New Audio Master Zap

This Zap will fire when a Dolby Enhanced file has finished rendering.

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard and select one audio recording from the Recent Recordings tab.
  2. By selecting a recording, the Workflow Drawer will appear. Choose the Master Audio with Dolby option at the top of the Workflow Drawer.
  3. Verify that the Zap for New Audio Master is triggered when the mix finishes rendering.

Participant Joined a Session, and Participant Left a Session Zaps

This Zap will fire when a participant joins or leaves your studio session.

  1. Join a session on the dashboard and ensure you have a camera and microphone attached to your computer.
  2. Allow permissions when joining the session and landing in the Green Room. Please also check your equipment and ensure everything is correctly set up once in the Green Room.
  3. Select the Join Session button in the Green Room and verify that the Participant Joined a Session Zap triggered.
  4. Then select the Leave Session button at the top right corner of the Studio. 
  5. Verify that the participant left a session triggered by Zap.

Recording Started and Recording Ended Zaps

This Zap will fire when you start recording and when you stop recording.

  1. Join a session on the dashboard and ensure you have a camera and microphone attached to your computer.
  2. Allow permissions when joining the session and landing in the Green Room. Please also check your equipment and ensure everything is correctly set up once in the Green Room.
  3. Select the Join Session button in the Green Room.
  4. Once inside the Studio, select the Record button in the bottom middle of the page. Allow the recording to run for at least 1 minute.
  5. Verify that the Recording Started Zap is triggered.
  6. Finally, select the same Record button to stop the recording. Verify that the Recording Stopped Zap is triggered.

Recording Session Started & Recording Session Ended Zaps

This zap will fire when your recording conference is created and ends. A recording conference is created when there is at least 1 participant inside the Studio, and it is ended when there are no longer any participants in the conference.

  1. Join a session on the dashboard and ensure you have a camera and microphone attached to your computer.
  2. Allow permissions when joining the session and landing in the Green Room. Please also check your equipment and ensure everything is correctly set up once in the Green Room.
  3. Select the Join Session button in the Green Room.
  4. Once inside the Studio, verify that the Recording Session Started Zap is triggered. 
  5. Then select the Leave Session button at the top right corner of the Studio. 
  6. Wait 10 seconds for the conference to end, then verify that the Recording Session Ended Zap is triggered.

Creating Action Zaps with SquadCast Actions

Zapier Actions are tasks that Zapier will automate for you when an event is fired.

Create Recording Session Action

This Action can be used for any scheduling event or appropriate Zapier app. This will schedule a session for the Show specified in the Action.

  1. Create a new Zap and select an appropriate Trigger.
  2. Once your Trigger is set up and tested, select the Create Recording Session Action from the SquadCast (2.0.2) Integration.
  3. Fill out the Action form details with proper formatting.
  4. Test the Action and verify that a session can be created.

Find all Recordings in a Session Action

This Action can find and quickly retrieve all recordings for a specific event. You must set a specific Show and session in the Action form.

  1. Create a new Zap and select an appropriate Trigger.
  2. Once your Trigger is set up and tested, select the Find all Recordings in a Session Action from the SquadCast (2.0.2) Integration.
  3. Fill out the Action form details with proper formatting, then choose your Show and session from the dropdown menu.
  4. Test the Action and verify that you could retrieve all your recordings for the specified inputs. If no recordings from the selected session are available, this will return an empty array.