The selection toolbar shows up when you highlight a portion of your script. It allows you to access a variety of editing tools and other features quickly:
- Ask Underlord — Open the list of available AI Actions in the Action bar.
- Add scene — Opens the layout picker so you can quickly apply a layout to a scene.
- Correct — This will allow you to correct the text of your script without affecting the audio.
- Regenerate — Make a correction or smooth out an edit with Regenerate.
- Edit your script — choose to ignore your selection, delete it, replace with a gap clip, or just correct the transcript without editing the underlying script audio or video..
- Make your text selection bold or italic.
- Highlight — Highlight sections in your script in different colors. You can then use Copy highlights to aggregate your highlighted sections in a new composition.
- Duplicate to... — Quickly copy selections to a new or other compositions in your project.
- Add comments — Communicate and collaborate with your teammates by leaving comments and reminders in your script.
- Ellipsis — Display the right-click menu for your selection.