Replace script track

Replace script track allows you to swap sections of your script with a new video or audio file. It’s useful when you're writing a scratch script and then either recording a rough version or using AI Speakers for placeholder audio. You can then add a b-roll, music, and other elements to your project and then record a final version of your voice track when everything else is where you want it.

Once you swap in your new audio, Descript will align it with all the other audio and video elements in your composition — even if the new media is differently timed or an imperfect match. With Replace script track, you no longer need to wait for the final voiceover or recording to start creating in Descript.

How to use Replace script track

  1. Select the section of your script with the new video or audio you want to swap in, then right-click and Copy it.
  2. Select the section of your script that you want to swap out with what you copied, then right-click and choose Paste special > Replace script track.