Video, audio, and screen recording

Starting a project in Descript is a breeze, even if you don't have any video or audio files on hand. You can create multitrack audio, video, and screen recordings right within the editor. This guide will show you how to set up and record in a project.

1. Recording in a project

Set up your recording

Web and Desktop Preview

The Record panel on the web and Desktop Preview versions of Descript may visually differ, and some settings may not be available.

Screenshot showing numbered steps for setting up a the editor recorder in Descript

  1. Open the Record Panel: Click Record icon.png Record to access the recorder in the sidebar.
  2. Adjust Settings: Click Settings icon.png Settings to adjust your recording settings.
  3. Select Recording Type: Choose your recording type:
    • Audio Only for sound
    • Camera for video
    • Screen for recording your screen
  4. Choose Inputs: Select the inputs you wish to record, such as Speaker icon.png computer audio, Microphone icon.pngmicrophone, video project icon.png camera, and/or screen recording icon.png screen. If you're using an audio device that lets you connect multiple microphones, click + Add Input to add and select more inputs from this device.
  5. Audio Input Settings: Click Additional Settings icon.png Input Settings to enable options like Studio Sound and Transcribe as needed.
  6. Add Speaker labels (if applicable): Type speaker labels in the text box next to your inputs to identify different speakers in the recording.
Multitrack recordings

If you record multiple video and audio inputs, they'll be recorded as separate project files. They will be added to a multitrack sequence which keeps the files in sync with each other as you edit. You can edit the individual tracks from the Sequence editor.

Capture your recording

  1. When you're ready, press Record to begin recording. For a screen capture, drag to select your desired area or press Space to record the full screen.
  2. Press Stop recording icon.png Stop recording when you are done.

2. Recording additional material

After recording your initial script material in a project, Descript determines where to place new recordings based on your current cursor position, any highlighted script content, or the selected scene. You can add more script material or create a new layer. The recording process follows the same steps as before, but it's easier since you've done most of the setup.

Record more script content

Your script is backbone of the project and allows you to edit transcribed recordings just like a text doc. When you record in a new project, the first recording your make goes into your script, but you can always add more script material as you go.

Gif showing how to record additional script material

To record additional script:

  1. Place your playhead at the desired start point in the script and open the Record panel in the sidebar. Or, create a blank line in the script by clicking Return(Mac) or Enter(Windows), and choose Record.
  2. Follow the steps listed in Recording in a project to make your recording.

Replace a script selection 

You can also replace a section of your script with a new recording.



To do this:

  1. Highlight a section of your script.
  2. Open the Record panel.
  3. Click Record icon.png Replace selection to start recording. Once finished the recording will be replace the selected text in your project.

Record a new layer

Layers can be background music, non-dialogue audio or b-roll clips you want to add over your script. There are a few different ways to record a layer:

Gif showing how to add a new recording as a layer

  1. Highlight a section of the script and select Add layer > Recording in the selection toolbar.
  2. Follow the steps listed in Recording in a project to make your recording.
Should I record in the script or add a layer?

As a general rule, if you're recording video or audio that you want to transcribe and text-edit, it’s going to be part of your script. If it's a visual or sound that doesn't need transcription, like background music, random noises, or a b-roll clip, it's probably a layer.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Perform a test recording: Before making your full recording, do a 5 to 10-second test to ensure everything is set up correctly.

  • Transcribing after you record: If you didn't transcribe your audio or video while recording, just right-click the recording in your script and choose transcribe file. For recordings with multiple tracks, transcribe files from the Projects panel.

  • Apply Studio Sound After Recording: To enhance your recording with Studio Sound,, learn how to add it to a single file or to tracks in a sequence.