Select Microphone, Headphones, & Camera Equipment

Green Room 

Select your equipment within a recording session by following the steps below:

  1. Join the session, either from the Dashboard or from an invite link.
  2. Once in the Green Room, click on the equipment item you wish to adjust. You'll see field for the microphone, camera, and audio output or speaker.
  3. For each of these fields, a drop-down menu is available. Select the equipment you'd like to use for your recording.



Firefox will not allow participants to make a selection for headphones (audio output) devices in SquadCast. Instead, SquadCast will use the default audio output device selected in your operating system's sound. To change your headphone selection when using Firefox, select your headphones in your operating system's sound settings with the below steps:


Click on the Apple menu in the top left corner, then select System Preferences or System Settings


  1. Select the Input tab
  2. Select your Microphone or Audio Interface (if applicable)
  3. Speak into your mic, and ensure that the input indicator responds
  4. Adjust the Input volume slider if necessary; we recommend 75-85%
  5. Refresh SquadCast


  1. Select the Output tab
  2. Select your Headphones or Audio Interface (if applicable)
  3. Ensure the Mute checkbox is unchecked/not selected
  4. Ensure the Output volume is not 0%; we recommend 50%
  5. Refresh SquadCast


  1. macOS has no settings for the Camera
  2. Refresh SquadCast



  1. Click on the Start menu in the bottom left corner
  2. Navigate to Settings > System > Sound


  1. Select the desired Microphone or Audio Interface in the drop-down under Choose your input device
  2. Speak into your mic, and ensure that the input indicator responds
  3. Click on Device Properties
  4. Adjust the Input volume slider if necessary; we recommend 75-85%
  5. If there are problems with any previous steps, please verify that your device driver is installed & updated; your hardware manufacturer's website will have support & instructions.
  6. Refresh SquadCast


  1. Select the desired Headphones or Audio Interface in the drop-down under Choose your output device
  2. Ensure the Output volume is not 0%; we recommend 50%
  3. Refresh SquadCast


  1. Windows has no settings for Camera
  2. Ensure all other apps that use the camera are fully closed; Windows does not allow more than one app at a time to use the camera
  3. Verify your device driver is installed & updated; your hardware manufacturer's website will have support & instructions
Recording from multiple mic inputs?

Each computer can only accommodate one microphone input at a time. If multiple participants are recording from the same location, you have a couple of options:

  1. Share One Computer and Microphone: Everyone can gather around a single computer and use one microphone. This setup will produce one audio recording with all voices combined on a single track. Please note that it's not possible to create separate recordings for each participant if you're sharing the same equipment.
  2. Use Separate Computers in Different Rooms: To avoid audio feedback and manage individual recordings, participants can use a separate computer in a different room. This ensures that each recording is clear and isolated.

For any participant joining remotely they can connect to the session as usual from their location.