Timeline export allows users to transfer their projects to other commonly used audio and video applications. This article provides some troubleshooting steps and details if you run into issues along the way.
- Leave Studio Sound set to 0% (no studio sound)
- Leave Studio Sound set to 100% (full studio sound)
- Replace the track
- Create a new composition with studio sound set to the desired intensity
- Export the mixed audio
- Use the Replace file feature to swap the mixed version of your file with your source file
- Timeline export as normal
The best way to work around this issue is to ensure that your files all have the same frame rate before importing them into Descript. If you've already imported files into Descript, you may need to re-export your original source file(s) using the same frame rate as your Descript composition (see details), then use the Replace file feature to update the source file.
- Export an SRT file with your subtitles
- Look for any cards that start with periods on a newline
- Delete the extra periods
- Import the fixed SRT into your Premiere project
To resolve, click the radial button to Manually Find & Relink on the "Missing Files" error window, then select OK.
Navigate to the location of your source files in the directory tree at the top of the "Relink" window by clicking to expand the triangles, then checking the box for the folder where they are located. Failure to check the box will result in the menu not locating any candidate files to relink.
Select a single file you wish to be relinked by clicking on the file name. Note that selecting multiple files will prevent you from completing the next step.
Once a file has been selected, you can now click the Find all Candidates button below to search for appropriate replacement files. Click the box to select a candidate file to be linked, then click the Commint Links button to finalize the linking process.
Repeat this process with any and all additional missing files.