Unsupported recording devices and services

To maximize the chances for device compatibility, it’s generally recommended to ensure your computer has the latest drivers installed and that you double-check your connections to peripheral devices. That said, all of the following devices and software are known to cause issues with the Descript recorder:


  • Camo
  • Continuity Camera (macOS)
  • Elgato Camlink
  • ElecEye 1080P HD
  • EOS Webcam Utility
  • GoPro
  • Iriun webcam
  • Krisp Camera
  • Logi Tune (please disable Logi Tune while recording in Descript)
  • Lumina Plus
  • OBS virtual camera
  • Opal Camera
  • Sony Imaging Edge
Using an iPhone as a Webcam with Continuity Camera

Although not officially supported, Continuity Camera may work for you. Keep in mind that even if your iPhone supports 4K video recording, the Continuity Camera feature limits webcam recordings to 1080p resolution. 


  • AirPods
  • Krisp (merely having Krisp running can cause issues)
  • Rode Podcaster USB mic
  • Rodecaser Audio Interfaces

Other devices and services

  • ASIO4All
Virtual webcams are unsupported

Any service that takes a camera signal and allows apps on your computer to recognize it as a webcam will not work with Descript. If your camera is not recognized by the native camera app on your device, it likely will not be recognized by Descript.