Custom branding

Custom branding allows you to use your drive name and logo in place of the default Descript branding on pages that you publish. This is great for users who would like to display custom branding on their Descript share pages or embeds.

Getting started

Custom branding is a drive-level setting that can be accessed in the drive owner's account settings.

  1. Sign into your account from the app or the web, then select your profile picture in the top right corner of the Drive view.
  2. Select Settings icon Settings.
  3. Select the Preferences tab.
  4. Set up the image and name that you would like to use for Custom branding, and then click the Custom branding toggle to enable it for all pages published on your drive.

Publishing with different custom branding

Custom branding is currently a drivel-level feature only. If you would like to have different brand names appear for your various publishes, you will need to create a separate drive and upgrade its associated subscription in order to have a Custom branding for separate drives under your account. You can then move projects to the drive location of your choice and re-publish your compositions if necessary on the new drive.

Please note that drive owners are billed separately for each drive subscription on their account. Click here to learn more about how billing words in Descript.