The Scene panel allows you to adjust properties and add layout packs to a Scene within your project. From this panel, you can:
- Choose a layout for your scene.
- Adjust scene duration.
- Add backgrounds, effects, and transitions to a scene.
- View all layers contained within a scene.
Choosing a layout
You can choose from a variety of layouts to quickly set up the visual style and layout of your scene. Layout packs are a collection of layouts that can include predefined backgrounds, text styles, and media placeholders that help you maintain consistency across your project.
When you use one of Descript's pre-built Layout packs, Smart transitions may also be applied to your scene.
Adjusting scene duration
Adjusting the duration of a scene allows you to control how long a particular scene appears in your project. You can extend or shorten the scene's length by entering a specific time or using the drag handles in the timeline.
Editing a scene
Editing a scene involves making adjustments to various elements within the scene. You can add or remove backgrounds, apply effects, and set transitions between scenes. This helps to enhance the visual appeal and smoothness of your project.
Viewing scene layers
The Scene Panel allows you to view all layers contained within a scene. This includes text, images, videos, and other media elements. By selecting a layer, you can see its properties and make necessary adjustments.