Applying and adjusting animations

You can apply animations to any visual in a scene and change a visual's position, size, cropping, orientation, and opacity. Descript comes with preset animations that you can adjust, or you can create a custom animation from scratch. You can also apply animations to text and captions to adjust their position or orientation.
Adjusting animations in bulk

At this time, Descript does not support the application or bulk adjustment of animations. Please feel free to leave feedback for us here.

How to add or remove an animation

  1. Select the visual in the Canvas that you want to apply the animation to.
  2. Select the + button in the Animation section of the Layers panel to add your animation.

There are a few animation presets you can choose from for animating in or out of a layer. They are as follows:

Blur: Fade from or to a blurred layer
Spin: Spin the layer into or out of view.
Wipe: Wipe the layer to reveal or hide it.
Appear: Text fades in word by word (text only).
Fade: Fade to or from black.
Reveal: Text slides in from an invisible frame, this includes a directional setting so you can determine if the text is revealed from the left, right, top or bottom (text only).
Scale: Animate the scale of a layer.
Slide: Slide a layer from any chosen direction into or out of view.
Zoom and pan: Zooms in and pans as adjusted (not supported on text).
Ken Burns It allows for enhanced control over smooth, directional zooms and pans.

If you want to remove the animation, click the minus button next to the animation.

Animation Presets and Script Media/Tracks

In and out presets are designed to add or remove b-roll items. These presets only work on layers with defined start and end points. Since script layers are usually continuous, you won't be able to use these presets.

Customizing an animation

Animations cannot overlap

You can have multiple animations back-to-back, but animations cannot overlap on the same clip or layer. 

How to adjust your animation's length and properties

  1. Choose a visual from the Canvas. If you haven't already, add an animation to your visual.
  2. Activate the animation mode by selecting Animation settings.png Edit keyframes in timeline next to your animation in the Properties panel. Note that when you add an animation, Descript will automatically enable animation mode.
  3. To adjust the duration of the animation, click and drag either keyframe from the Timeline.
  4. Select the start or end keyframe, and adjust its properties from the Properties panel or visually on the canvas.
  5. To exit animation mode, press Esc, click off the element, or re-click Animation settings.png Edit keyframes in timeline.
With Appear and Reveal presets you can target most animations by word, line, or paragraph. For example:
  • By word: Each word in the text will animate separately.
  • By line: Each line of text will animate as a unit.
  • By paragraph: The entire paragraph will animate together.

Easing is applied per word, line, or paragraph, while the overall animation follows a linear easing curve.


Once you've added an animation to a visual layer, you’ll customize the animation's duration and properties using keyframes. Each animation has two keyframes that set your visual layer's start and end property values.


Custom Animation curves

Animation curves control how fast or slow the animation moves at different moments. These changes in speed help the animation appear more natural. You can pick a specific curve in the Version history icon.png Animation settings. The curve you choose will determine how the animation speeds up or slows down:
