Templates, scenes, and the script

To get the most out of templates, it’s often helpful to understand how template layouts relate to scenes and the script in your Descript compositions:
  • The script is media represented as text in your Script Editor and the wordbar in the timeline. This underlying element keeps all your visuals, audio, and scenes aligned in your composition while you edit.
  • Scenes contain all visual content, and allow you to apply properties, visuals, and layouts across your composition.

Editor View.png

Template layouts can contain script track media and scene visuals. When you add a layout to your composition, a few things may happen:
  • If you add the layout to an empty scene or a project with no script media, the layout's content will populate the destination's script track.
  • If a project's scene contains script media, the layout's script media will not be added.
  • If the project's scene contains script media but the layout does not, the project's script media will be removed.