Sharing custom layout pack layouts with drive members

When you create and publish a custom layout pack, it will be private. But you can share published custom layout packs with other drive members.

Share a layout pack

  1. Navigate to the Layout packs tab in the Drive view and the layout pack you wish to share, you may need to toggle the view to see private layout packs.
  2. Select Publish changes and click the link icon Share link icon in the bottom corner of the publish layout pack window. This will copy a sharaeble link.
  3. Share the link with a drive member.

Saving a shared layout pack

Once you share your layout pack link with a drive member, they'll need to open the link in a web browser. They can then select Copy to my layout packs to save it in their layout pack gallery. 2025-02-10_11-02-33.jpg

Please note that you cannot export a layout pack as a video file from the layout pack project. If you would like to save a local file, please copy the layout pack contents to a new project and export from there.