Exporting audio

You can export your content as audio files by clicking Publish, selecting the Export tab and then choosing Audio from the list of options.

Audio Export.png

Export settings


Setting Description


Current composition Default behavior and exports your currently selected composition
Current selection Select a range of text in your composition to export as audio
Current scene Export the full scene based on the current playhead location (video compositions only)
Markers Export individual audio files for each of the Markers in the currently selected composition
Line breaks Export individual video files for each section of text separated by line breaks within your composition
All compositions  Batch export a file for each composition in your project.
Format Choose to export a m4a, wav, or mp3 file
Quality icon Advanced  
Channels 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo)
Sample rate 44100Hz or 48000Hz
Audio bitrate 32 kbps, 48 kbps, 64 kbps, 96 kbps, 128 kbps, 160 kbps, 192 kbps, or 256 kbps (.m4a and .mp3 file formats only)
Normalize volume Set normalization to off, peak, -14 LUFS, -16 LUFS, -18 LUFS, -23 LUFS, -24 LUFS

Quality icon Metadata

Enable/disable metadata, including show title, episode title, description, artwork, and markers/chapters. Please note that artwork, and markers as chapter options are unavailable on .wav file exports.