Keyboard shortcuts

A reference table of all available keyboard shortcuts is available from the Help Center icon at the top right corner of your Descript window:

Keyboard Shortcuts.png

Single-letter keyboard shortcuts will only be available when working in the Script Editor while not using Write or Correction modes. 


Action MacOS Windows
Play / Pause Space (while script tools are inactive), Command + S, Option + Click Space (while script tools are inactive), Control + S, Alt + Click
Play from cursor Shift + Space (while script tools are inactive) Shift + Space (while script tools are inactive)
Spot audition Shift + Command + Space Control + Shift + Space
Move playhead to beginning Home Home
Next marker Option + Command + . Control + Alt + .
Previous marker Option + Command + , Control + Alt + ,
Next scene Shift + Command + . Control + Shift + .
Previous scene Shift + Command + , Control + Shift + ,
Step forward by a frame Right arrow Right arrow
Step backward by a frame Left arrow Left arrow
Next clip Option + Shift + Command + . Control + Alt + Shift + .
Previous clip Option + Shift + Command + , Control + Alt + Shift + ,
Decrease playback speed Shift + J Shift + J
Reset playback speed Shift + K Shift + K
Increase playback speed Shift + L Shift + L
Autoscroll Esc Esc


Action MacOS Windows
Select tool A or hold A A or hold A
Range tool R or hold R R or hold R
Blade tool B or hold B B or hold B
Hand tool H or hold H H or hold H
Slip tool Y or hold Y Y or hold Y
Zoom in Command + Scroll down or Command + = Control + Scroll down or Control + =
Zoom out Command + Scroll up or Command + - Control + Scroll up or Control + -
Scroll left Shift + Scroll Down or H + Drag Right Shift + Scroll Down or H + Drag Right
Scroll right Shift + Scroll Up or H + Drag Left Shift + Scroll Up or H + Drag Left
Add clip boundary (split clip) S S
Replace with gap clip Shift + Delete Shift + Backspace
Replace with (need to have a visual selected) Option + R Alt + R
Toggle timeline Shift + Command + S Control + Shift + S


Action MacOS Windows
Correct transcript C C
Toggle punctuation X X
Toggle capitalization Z Z
Search actions... Command + K Control + K


Action MacOS Windows
Ignore Command + Delete Control + Backspace
Bold text Command + B Control + B
Italic text Command + I Control + I
Highlight Shift + Command + H Control + Shift + H
Paste attributes Shift + Command + V Control + Shift + V
Edit sequence Shift + Command + O Control + Shift + O
Auto-level clip Option + Shift + Command + L Control + Alt + Shift + L
Comment Shift + Command + M Control + Shift + M
Duplicate Shift + Command + C Control + Shift + C
Quick duplicate Option + Shift + Command + C Control + Alt + Shift + C


Action MacOS Windows
Speaker label @ @
Marker (not while the correction tool is active) # #
Regenerate D D
Text Option + Command + T Control + Alt + T
Shape Option + Command + S Control + Alt + S
Scene (not while the correction tool is active) / /


Action MacOS Windows
Bring to front ] ]
Move forward Shift + ] Shift + ]
Move backward Shift + [ Shift + [
Send to back [ [
Duplicate layer Command + D Control + D
Hide layer Option + H Alt + H
Toggle layer lock Option + L Alt + L
Snap to guides Shift + Command + ' Control + Shift + '
Expand / shrink canvas Command + . Control + .


Action MacOS Windows
Show / hide video Option + Command + V Control + Alt + V
Move video Option + Shift + Command + V Control + Alt + Shift + V
Toggle project contents Option + Command + C Control + Alt + C
Media library Option + Command + L Control + Alt + L
Toggle templates library Option + Command + P Control + Alt + P
Keyboard shortcuts Option + Command + K Control + Alt + K


Action MacOS Windows
Project Command + N Control + N
Composition Option + Command + N Control + Alt + N
Toggle write mode Command + E Control + E
Toggle correct text mode Option + C Alt + C
Undo Command + Z Control + Z
Redo Shift + Command + Z Control + Shift + Z
Select all Command + A Control + A
Find... Command + F Control + F
Find in project... Shift + Command + F Control + Shift + F
Find previous Shift + Command + G Control + Shift + G
Find next Command + G Control + G
Restore removed media Shift + Command + Delete Control + Shift + Backspace
Correction Wizard Option + Shift + Command + E Control + Alt + Shift + E


Action MacOS Windows
Project access Shift + Command + A Control + Shift + A
Publish Shift + Command + P Control + Shift + P
Copy project link Command + L Control + L
Export Shift + Command + E Control + Shift + E